Virtual office

Virtual Office

Do you need an address to register your company?

We offer two addresses for your business. A virtual office located in Łódź and Warsaw will surely add prestige to your company. Now, even if you work from home or operate as a mobile consultant, you can take advantage of having an office in the very center of Warsaw or Łódź.

A virtual office is not only a prestigious business address but also provides additional benefits, including:

Correspondence address

Scanning and forwarding of incoming mail

zelazna 59 lok.130

Virtual Office Offer

Check out the detailed offer of our virtual office and see that for a small fee, you can gain significant benefits that can greatly accelerate the growth of your business

Basic Package71 PLN per month*

  • registered office address (for company registration)
  • correspondence address
  • handling of incoming mail
  • notification of new mail arrival
  • scanning and forwarding of mail (unlimited pages)
  • option to rent a conference room
  • 12-Month Package: 12 x 71 = 852 PLN
  • 6-Month Package: 6 x 88 = 528 PLN
  • 3-Month Package: 3 x 105 = 315 PLN
  • 1-Month Package: 125 PLN

Purchase a 12-month package and pay for the entire year upfront! The savings for a one-time payment is 648 PLN per year!

Extended Package109 PLN per month*

  • registered office address (for company registration)
  • correspondence address
  • handling of incoming mail
  • notification of new mail arrival
  • scanning and forwarding of mail (unlimited pages)
  • option to rent a conference room, 1x per quarter FREE
  • 12-Month Package: 12 x 109 = 1308 PLN
  • 6-Month Package: 6 x 128 = 770 PLN
  • 3-Month Package: 3 x 140 = 420 PLN
  • 1-Month Package: 165 PLN

Purchase a 12-month package and pay for the entire year upfront! The savings for a one-time payment is 672 PLN per year!

*The prices listed are net prices and are subject to VAT. The above offer is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a commercial offer within the meaning of Article 66 § 1 of the Polish Civil Code.


Interested in collaborating?

 Contact us today!